Monday 17 May 2010

Right ok so

my friend advised me to go on chat rooms.
Yes back to ye old chat avenue to look for people i can talk to, meet, shag.

Great =|

Ok so first of all, the amount of people on there has definitely increased since when i used to go on. It was about 700+ people on at once. I remember 400 being the norm.
There are a good few people from Glasgow and surrounding areas too, i even spoke to someone from my town.


None of them can type correctly, they're all shallow and dumb as fuck.
Hi asl
u gt cam?


Maybe i'm just a different breed of person from them? It's like ME - then EVERYONE ELSE who lives in my area.
Them = neds.
Me = nice.

It's just not for happening.
I just can't go on chatrooms anymore. I'm not talking to the type of people i want to be talking to.

I think it's because i USED to go on, like fucking 5 years ago now. It was fine then i was like 14/15 and so was everyone else. I didn't have a clue. But now i do and i know it's just... i dunno. Not for me.
I've been there done that and met the single greatest person EVER because of it =]

I know no one else there will be that special. But i still always hope i'll come across that needle in the haystack.
But i've already found it.
And there can never be 2. Only 1.