Monday 4 October 2010

So let me be materialistic

Cause this fucking pisses me off.

I've wanted an iphone for several years, you've only wanted one since i've started talking about them infront of you because i'm in need of a new phone but can't afford the one i would like.

I got my macbook in 2008 and wouldn't get a pc ever again now.
You've got a pc and a laptop but of course when you're out with me you have to run over to the biggest imac in the store and declare your love for it and how much you want it right in front of me.

My hair's been blonde for over a year and a half.
You go dye yours blonde and make a point of saying shit like "mine's is even whiter than yours" cause y'know, you're a prick like that.

On holiday i spent all my time in the fake watch shops looking for a specific brand of watch you didn't even know about until i told you a few years back. You were looking for your own white watch.
I find the watch i've been looking for and go over to it, then you come over and buy it.
I then find a nicer fake in the next store, you waited outside until you saw that i had found something you hadn't, you rushed in and looked at them. Annoyed and jealous? That i would be getting mine, you look all over the shop for your white watch and buy it too.

I wear my vans a lot and you always called them "obnoxious"
You then try them on and claim they're okay actually and yes "i could see myself wearing a pair."

I started buying vitamin water cause it was on sale, you saw i had some and went and bought some for yourself.

I was playing with my cousins Ds and you were invited round, we both took it in turns to play the Ds, then some days later you go buy one.

I got a nice blue abercrombie T in newyork. Until then you owned nothing that was that shade of blue. Now you have several tops that colour and said to me before "that nice blue WE like"
No, the blue i like, that you just decide to have also cause if i have something nice you want, you have to fucking have it.

My winter hat with the parts that come over the ears and bauble on top.
You "HATED" them. Then i got one, you tried it on and HAD TO HAVE ONE.

I don't think you realise how annoying all this is.
It adds up.
And what's even more annoying is that for posetions i want, but can't afford, you can. You'll buy it, just cause i can't.
